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Foto del público disfrutando de la proyección en la Universidad Católica del Uruguay.

Foto de la pantalla donde se ve la película accesible.

Folleto de Ciclo de Cine Accesible 2020

Foto del público disfrutando de la proyección en la Universidad Católica del Uruguay.
From October 2nd to November 6th, 2020, the third edition of the accessible cinema cycle takes place in Uruguay, co-organized by Okurelo together with the National Union of the Blind of Uruguay and its Red MATE program, the Faculty of Information and Communication, and Apex-Cerro Program of the University of the Republic. With the support of the Cultural Center of Spain, the Universidad Católica del Uruguay and its Audiovisual Accessibility Program, RECAM, the Uruguayan Film Commission (ICAU), Montevideo Socio Audiovisual of Intendencia de Montevideo, and the Parque Tecnológico Industrial del Cerro. Uruguayan films adapted by Okurelo and accessible Spanish films, courtesy of the CCE, are screened free of charge.

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Entrevista a Carolina Sosa, directora de Okurelo Cine.
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Ciclo Cine Accesible
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Carolina Sosa, directora de Okurelo cine te invita al Ciclo de Cine Accesible 2020.
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