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Okurelo Cine, at first, consists of the consolidation of the first film festival for people with visual and hearing impairments in Uruguay. There, Uruguayan films adapted by our team are screened using audio-description, descriptive subtitles, and sign language, so that blind and deaf people can enjoy them. The movies are shown at Life Cinemas from December 9th to the 13th, 2013. We also hold a conference about accessibility that deals with different topics: deaf culture, interaction with blind people, accessible legislation, level of access to communication and cultural media, audio-description experiences in theater and cinema, among others. And, in addition, inclusive workshops are given such as painting and artistic creation for blind people, hip hop for the deaf, and sign language for hearing people. All in order to raise awareness about the lack of accessibility and inclusion in Uruguayan culture. The conferences and workshops are held at the prestigious Solís Theater on December 14th and 15th of the same year.


The event is declared of interest by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES), and the Secretariat of Social Management for Disability of the Municipality of Montevideo. And here begins the official alliance between Okurelo and the main foundations for blind and deaf people in the country. The FBU (Braille Foundation of Uruguay) becomes Okurelo's fiscal representative and, then, the UNCU (National Union of the Blind of Uruguay), ASUR (Association of the Deaf of Uruguay), CINDE, JUVESUR, APASU, Fundapass, ACSUC, Fundación Cachón and other organizations that work with people with disabilities become big supporters. The event also receives benefits from private companies such as Unilever, Lipton, and Antel, and from academic institutions such as the University of Montevideo and Schools N ° 279, 198, and 197. It also wins the Film Promotion Fund for Local Festivals of the Uruguayan Film Commission. And it is sponsored by the Rotary Club, the United States Embassy, and the Argentine Embassy in Uruguay.

Okurelo - All rights reserved © 2021

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